إجابات اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثاني الفصل الاول مناهج قطر

محمد ناصر ‏2023-12-12, 20:23 مساء 212
عرض بكامل الشاشة
إجابات اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثاني الفصل الاول مناهج قطر



Complete the sentences:

  • The cat is ___ the table.
  • I ___ apples in the basket.

Choose the correct word:

  • (Sun - Moon - Stars) The ___ shines during the day.

Match the words to the pictures:

  • [ ] Tree
  • [ ] Fish
  • [ ] Book


Write a short paragraph about your favorite animal. Use at least three sentences.

Create a dialogue between you and a friend. Include a greeting, asking about their day, and saying goodbye.

Look at the picture and write a story using these words: (Rainbow - Castle - Dragon).

Write three sentences about what you do on a sunny day.

Choose a color and describe three things that are that color.

Create a simple poem using rhyming words.

Draw a picture of your family and write sentences describing each family member.


11. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions: - The ball is ___ the box. - I am going ___ the park.

12. Choose the correct form of the verb (is/are): - The flowers ___ beautiful. - The cat and the dog ___ playing.

13. Look at the numbers and write them in words: - 15: ___ - 28: ___

14. Write five words that rhyme with "cat".

15. Imagine you are on a spaceship. Write a short paragraph about your journey to space.

16. Create a list of five things you can find in a kitchen.

17. Use the words (happy - sad - surprised) to describe how you feel on different occasions.

18. Write a question and answer it.

19. Look at the picture and write a story about it.

20. Create a simple crossword puzzle with words related to school (desk, book, teacher, etc.).

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