إجابات اللغة الإنجليزية دعم وإثراء الصف الاول فصل اول مناهج قطر

محمد ناصر ‏2023-12-12, 17:00 مساء 227
عرض بكامل الشاشة
إجابات اللغة الإنجليزية دعم وإثراء الصف الاول فصل اول مناهج قطر


Complete the words:

  • C__ (cat)
  • D__ (dog)
  • S__ (sun)

Match the picture with the beginning letter:

  • Apple, Ball, Cat, Dog, Elephant. (The picture that starts with the letter "A")

Complete the sentences:

  • I ___ a red car.
  • She ___ a green dress.
  • We ___ a big house.

Arrange the words to make a sentence:

  • (am, I, happy)
  • (have, a, book)
  • (blue, the, sky)

Write a sentence about your favorite animal:

  • My favorite animal is ___ because ___.

Write the colors of the rainbow (primary colors):

  • Red, Blue, Yellow, ___.

Arrange the words to form a short story:

  • (cat, house, tree, play)

Identify the letters that come after the letter "B":

  • C, D, E, F, ___.

Choose the picture that describes the action:

  • (Running, Eating, Sleeping)

Write your name and use a letter to describe yourself (e.g., S for Smart):

  • My name is ___. I am ___.

11. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

  • I have a ___ (red, blue) car.
  • She likes to ___ (read, play) with her toys.
  • We go to school ___ (on, in) the morning.

12. Match the words with the opposite meanings (antonyms):

  • Hot - ___
  • Big - ___
  • Fast - ___

13. Read the words and circle the one that doesn't belong:

  • Sun, Moon, Star, ___ (Car)

14. Form plurals for the following words:

  • Cat, Dog, Book, ___

15. Write the missing vowels:

  • H_ppy (Happy)
  • El_phant (Elephant)
  • Gr_en (Green)

16. Write a short story using these words:

  • (Sun, Tree, Bird, Happy)

17. Create a sentence using a question word (Who, What, Where, When, Why):

  • ___ is your favorite color?

18. Write three words that rhyme with "cat":

19. Use the words in sentences:

  • (Jump, Run, Dance)

20. Create a simple dialogue between two people using greetings:

  • Person 1: ___
  • Person 2: ___

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